Sunday, September 25, 2011

Huckleberry Fin

This was the first time i got the chance to read this book, and after finishing it i wish i had read it along time ago! I like to think this is a coming of ago story, a young boy sets out to find adventurer and boy does he! In the beginning of the book two women try it "Civilize" Huckleberry they were Window Douglas and Miss Watson. Huckleberry doesn't like it very much neither does his dad, she he takes him away from them. Huck stages his own death and decides to ride the Mississippi looking for adventurer. He runs across Jim who is running away from miss Watson and they both ride the raft. They run across a cast of different types of people along his way, the duke and the king, the Grangerford family, the Wilks family, and Sally and Silas Phelps.

The duke and the king our two people that swindle people out of their money and they do this with Huck and Jim along, but Huck and Jim both know that it is wrong. They continue to do this until they reach the Wilks family were they act like a death person's brother and try to steal his money away from this girls. They end up being caught and get run out of town, the float down river with Huck and Jim to the next town were they get feathered and tared. The Grangerford family is in an on going feud with the Shepherson family, this feud really gets bad when one of the Grangerford girls runs off with the Shepherson boys. Huck played a part in this, the girl got Huck to run back to the church to bring a piece of paper that had a time on it. Huck didn't know at the time what it meant, but turns out it was the Shepherson boy letting the girl know when they were going to run off together.

Now Sally and Silas Phelps are the people the king sold Jim to when they were in need of some money. Huck gets wind of this and wants to help Jim, so go goes to the farm and gets mistaken for Tom Sawyer. When Tom does show up they both play along to try to get Jim away from the Phelps, but Huck doesn't know why Tom is helping him, he thought Tom was raised better then that. Well turns out Miss Watson i died and released Jim from slavery, that's why Tom helped Huck he was freeing a free man!

I think that through out this whole journey Huck really did become civilized like the Widow Douglas and Miss Watson wanted the whole time. Through out the journey Huckleberry had many chances to turn in Jim and get a reward and go on with his day. Huck fought with this problem for awhile, he even lied to a few men that were looking for runaway slaves. I believe that Huck saw Jim not as a black man but i true friend and that he was an equal. While on the boat Jim would often do double watch so Huck could get some sleep along with being good company with Huck these are the reasons why i believe that Huck had changed through out his journey. maybe Mark Twain was showing us that Huck was not going with the "mob" the mob being white people that thought slavery was okay. Which we can tie back to the Sherburn chapter were he called everyone out saying they weren't men that they were cowards, for being part of a mob when they came to attack Sherburn for killing boggs.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Douglass talks about our nation and how young it is, 76 at the time which as he says is the age of a old man. i like this quote "The simple story of it is that, 76 years ago, the people of this country were British subjects. The style and title of your "sovereign people" (in which you now glory) was not then born. You were under the British Crown . Your fathers esteemed the English Government as the home government; and England as the fatherland. This home government, you know, although a considerable distance from your home, did, in the exercise of its parental prerogatives, impose upon its colonial children, such restraints, burdens and limitations, as, in its mature judgment, it deemed wise, right and proper." I think what he was trying to say he was "hey dont forget that only 76 years ago you too were under a government that was unfair to you and treated you unjust. Why do you treat another person the same way?

"Oppression makes a wise man mad. Your fathers were wise men, and if they did not go mad, they became restive under this treatment. They felt themselves the victims of grievous wrongs, wholly incurable in their colonial capacity. With brave men there is always a remedy for oppression. Just here, the idea of a total separation of the colonies from the crown was born! It was a startling idea, much more so, than we, at this distance of time, regard it. The timid and the prudent (as has been intimated) of that day, were, of course, shocked and alarmed by it." Again i think what he is saying here would be "be careful we too are wise men and we wont take very much more of this. We as slaves will not go mad under this unfair treatment, we will rise this treatment.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Stowe Two Altars

This is a set of two short stories, the first one is setting during the winter of the 1776 which at that time the Revolutionary war was taking place. Dick makes a quote during on page 2 which i liked "Don't you cry, Gracie; you offered it up to liberty, you know: it's glorious to give up everything for liberty." Which agree with Dick very much it is glorious to give everything up for liberty. Its a theme that is replayed through out the history books, men dying for what they believe in. Since these are women and children they are not allowed to fight during this time, so at the end of the story the give almost everything they have to the troops to help them during the winter months, this is what they give up for liberty.

In the second story which takes place in 1850 is about a young black family, doing what they can to make a living in the town of Boston. Then one day some one comes and arrest their father and say that he is property of Mr. B of Georgia. Again there is a quote that i like its in the last paragraph "Go it!" shout the crowd; "good!—good!—hurra!" "An impressive idea!" says a Senator; "a noble maintaining of principle!" and the man is bid off, and the hammer falls with a last crash on his heart, his hopes, his manhood, and he lies a bleeding wreck on the altar of Liberty!" i like the way its worded in the last sentence it really hits home for me. With one swing of the hammer a man's life is ended, all of his hopes and dreams are gone. Again another offering to the altar.

this one i found easy to read and i really enjoyed reading it!  i really don't have any questions about this. Did anyone catch the fact in the first story she was talking about how our country would be a great one( which is it    it has its faults just like anything else) with FREE and EQUAL LAWS. Well lets be honest after the Revolutionary war not everyone had these rights, if my memory serves me correct only white men had those rights. Everyone else was put down for along time after that. Funny how things first workout huh?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Civil Disobedience

Thoreau's main point for civil disobedience is to have little government as possible. He says "That government is best which governs not at all"; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will have. Government is at best but an expedient; but most governments are usually, and all governments are sometimes, inexpedient. The objections which have been brought against a standing army, and they are many and weighty, and deserve to prevail, may also at last be brought against a standing government." With this statement he makes clear that he believes that government shouldn't be involved with people's everyday life. He also states that government moves at a very slow pace. Which i think he is trying to say here that if i as a person in this new government have a problem with someone or something. It would take a long time to get anything done about it.

Later he states "Yet this government never of itself furthered any enterprise, but by the alacrity with which it got out of its way. It does not keep the country free. It does not settle the West. It does not educate. The character inherent in the American people has done all that has been accomplished; and it would have done somewhat more, if the government had not sometimes got in its way" I think he put this in here along with example of what the early american has done without the government to continue to rally support for his no government point of view.

"Law never made men a whit more just; and, by means of their respect for it, even the well-disposed are daily made the agents of injustice. A common and natural result of an undue respect for law is, that you may see a file of soldiers, colonel, captain, corporal, privates, powder-monkeys,(5) and all, marching in admirable order over hill and dale to the wars, against their wills, ay, against their common sense and consciences, which makes it very steep marching indeed, and produces a palpitation of the heart." I believe that Thoreau thinks that these young men that serve in our military are doing it against there will, that the government is making laws that force this young men to serve. While yes i'm sure there are men that were serving that didn't want to be there, there were the equal number of men that wanted to protect their country from its enemies.

I'm in favor of something that Thoreau is proposing with this paper, i believe that the government is be involved with some aspects of life here in the USA. They shouldn't be involved to much this is were i agree with him. With the part about a law being made to force young men to serve in the military, i know when i turned 18 i had to fill out my draft card. If there ever was a time that my government needed me to serve to protect my country and family, and my friends i would do it in a heart beat.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


In her first few paragraphs she talks about women's rights and then she says this quote and i like it alot "did I not feel that the time had fully come for the question of woman's wrongs to be laid before the public—did I not believe that woman herself must do this work—for woman alone can understand the height and the depth, the length and the breadth of her own degradation and woe" With this she is basically saying that i man cant write this for me or us women, because a man will never understand everything that a women must do. My thought was backed up with this quote "Man cannot speak for us—because he has been educated to believe that we differ from him so materially, that he cannot judge of our thoughts, feelings and opinions by his own."

She also talks about the different places in the world and how they treat their women, siting England were a women can hold the crown and vote. In the United States a women cant do anything like that, she says that "unrepresented in this government—our rights and interests wholly overlooked." The subject of colleges comes in and just about the time a man makes his mind up to go to school a woman is having to put her dreams aside to raise a family and be a wife, it was the natural thing to do at that time.

I like this line a lot "No God's commands rest upon man as well as woman, and it is as much his duty to be kind, gentle, self denying and full of good works as it is hers, as much his duty to absent himself from scenes of violence as it is hers"  Stanton is right! a man should never raise a hand to a women and he should do all of things that she list. As i was walking to the football game this past Saturday what looked like a freshman ran up to this boy( and i say boy because he looked all of 12 ) and the boy acted like he was going to hit, i mean hand cocked back, malice in his face and she cowarded down to him. That REALLY got under my skin, i was going to say something to him but my hands were full at the time. I couldnt defend my self if he would have started something, but looking back on it now i wish i would have.

While reading this i begun to think of a commerical i say the other day, i know you have all seen it.  

Watch this video and after think why in 1848 and in the 1900's women were looked down on? why were women put in the kitchen to never be heard from again? I must say that commerical is correct, women are the reason why our race continues into the next generation, without them the human race would be no more. i dont mean to sound like im beating up the male race here, but we are equal and i think men back in the early days didnt want to see that, because they wanted to live their life how they wanted too, and not have to worry about answering the the wife at home.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Chapters 5-7

In Jacobs story it talks about the life of a young slave girl and the trials and handships she faces. An example of these hardships would be, how her master would rape her. The master's wife didnt like this very much but she was powerless to do anything about this, even thought the number of mixed babies was on the rise. Women in this time frame didnt have any say on how their husbands acted, and they were mad at the slaves for their husbands misdeeds. These women should have been mad at their husbands but they couldnt be, they had to take out their frustrations on the slaves. Some women back then thought it was the slaves fault and not their husbands.

Chapters 10-11

In these chapters we find out that Jacobs is pregnant with a baby, but it isnt the master's baby. Dr. Flint becomes enraged that Jacobs had gone behind his back and saw the man that he told her not too. He offers her help saying that he will take care of her and the baby if on one condition, that she never see or speak to that man again. Jacobs tells him no later the baby is born and the Dr. Flint still comes to help her, but the baby is weak and she hopes that the baby will die. She wants the baby to die so it will never have to be a slave. Here is an example " I had prayed for his death, but never so earnestly as I now prayed for his life; and my prayer was heard. Alas, what mockery it is for a slave mother to try to pray back her dying child to life! Death is better than slavery." This is a prime example that slavery was a horrible thing, a mother would rather her son die before being a slave.

Chapters 14-17

Jacobs continues to tell the story of her time in slavery, she has another baby during this time. Dr. Flint asks to see the child to see if the baby his is, it isnt. During these chapters she comes up with a plan to excape her master's rule. The master moves her to another plantation were his son now owns with his wife. And in one night she leaves her childern with her grandmother and leaves, runs away into the dark rainy night.

How can she just leave her childern? During the whole story she has been fighting for them, why just leave them now?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Songs to Myself

In the lines 1-9 to me it feels like he is making everyone equal,  then he talks about the sights and smells of everyday life the purfumes, the leaves, and the smell of the shore. Line 34 i like as well, he talks about how there are many years left for everyone. In lines 35-37 i think what he is trying to say here is, you wont have to take anyones word for it, "You shall listen to all sides, and fliter them from your self." Listen to both sides he says and fliter what they say, and then come up with an orignal idea of your own. People might think this is different from the beignning of the poem, making everyone equal then telling people to come up with your own ideas. Well i dont think so, me and you can be equal but we might not have the same thoughts as each other and thats fine.

In number 4 lines 68-72 he talks about everything that is going on in life at that time. Later in number 4 he says that he stands idle by complicant with were he is in life, he doesnt get caught up with those silly things. lines 80-81 are different, when he says that he looks backwards he see's the days were he sweated through the fog of linguists and contenders and that he has no arguments. Is he looking back on his life and not having any problem with what he has done in the past?

later a child asks him what is grass, and he didnt have any answer for him? how is that possible? grass is a plant that grows from the earth and covers the majority of it. See this is why i dont like over thinking things, so answer the question, dont answer it another question!

Should this poem make people feel better? Who was this poem for?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


First off i think this sentence in the first paragraph "To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men" will play importance roll though out this paper. I think what it is trying to say is, search down deep in your heart and follow what you think is correct, this would be the universal truth for all men. In 49 Emerson says "So God has armed youth and puberty and manhood no less with its own piquancy and charm, and made it enviable and gracious and its claims not to be put by, if it will stand by itself. Do not think the youth has no force, because hecannot speak to you and me" I believe he is saying here that God has placed charm on the people and that charm will stand on its own.

Later on around line 74 he talks about how a man shouldnt become a nonconformist. As we see with the other paper we have read this week, about the man going along with the mob. I think what Emerson is trying to tell people in his time, to not be part of that mob. That you are charming person find the truth in your heart and be able to stand on your own two feet!

Im going to be honest with you, these last 2 papers really heavent been my strong suit. Im trying to reading them to understand them, but to me they just seem like he walking around the elephant in the room! Just come out and say stand up for yourself, dont just follow the group. Which my parents and im sure yours have told you the samething. so i am really trying to put in the effort to really understand them when im reading them on my own. But i feel like i get a better understanding on the readings when we go over them in class, because you and my other classmates my point out things ive missed when reading it. Which as i hope this class goes along i can get better at for myself so my blogs quality will go up. thats my personal goal for this semester

its hard for me to come up with questions because im just confused by the way he wrote this, my reading conprehension is very low for this type of writing. im really sorry

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My Kinsman

This story really confused me alot. When i first starting reading it i followed it okay, then it just felt like it was dragging on. He would meet another person and they wouldnt know were his Kinsman was. The only idea i can make of this story was that the kinsman he was looking for was himself?  Maybe since he was a country boy he was trying to see if we could make it in the city?

But then there was the scene about finally meeting him. He a stanger wakes him, asks him if it was a dream, the man then asked to be taking back to the ferry to go home, that was really made me think that it was himself that he was looking for. that this was all a dream.

Or maybe this person is just a metaphor for the country as a whole, since this time period we have moved on into the idustrial period and people werent ready for it, like this person was with dealing with city life?

Im sorry if this is a bit all of the place, but i was just really confused by this story. so i figured i ask alot of questions!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Federalist No.51

James Madison talks about the government and how it should be seperated into three different branches, and that those positions should be filled from people that live in the United States. The reasoning behind this is we want people that live with us, that go through the everyday grind with us to be representing us in this new government. But Madison thinks this about the judiciary department "In the constitution of the judiciary department in particular, it might be inexpedient to insist rigorously on the principle: first, because peculiar qualifications being essential in the members, the primary consideration ought to be to select that mode of choice which best secures these qualifications; secondly, because the permanent tenure by which the appointments are held in that department, must soon destroy all sense of dependence on the authority conferring them" A normal person just cant be a judge, we would need people that went to school and law school. And another thing i liked was the second part were once they are a judge the people that conferred them would have no power over them. This is such so judges would not be scared into ruling a certain way. The only dependence the three branches of government should have is a dependence on the people.

Madison later talks about how the people will be given up power to a single government, and this government is going to be self regulating. Power is going to be broken up into parts, and they are all going to be each other in check, this later was known as checks and balances. He also talks about how the government should be run, either by a common will or in case since we give the government its power. So yes our leaders have power over us, but only because we gave it to them and we can take it away at anytime.

When i read this paper i feel like he was trying to tell everyone that it was going to be okay, that this government will be here to serve us. I think back on it now and it makes sense if the major of people felt like what the person was feeling in the Federalist No.1 paper i can understand why people would be scared. I kind of think of it like this, you break up your boyfriend or girlfriend, and this person was been really bad to you. Treating you like dirt and making you pay for every meal and expense. A few days/weeks later you meet that new person and at first glance they seem like their are great! But your alittle scared that they will just turn out like that last one.

Federalist Papers 1

In Federalist Paper #1 Brutus tells the readers that this an important matter, it will not only effect them but generations of unborn people. He talks about how this is a critical time period for the 13 states. Whether to accept the constitution if it is only noble and wise choice, but if its not Brutus tells us " But if, on the other hand, this form of government contains principles that will lead to the subversion of liberty — if it tends to establish a despotism, or, what is worse, a tyrannic aristocracy; then, if you adopt it, this only remaining assylum for liberty will be shut up, and posterity will execrate your memory" I take this as if we dont make sure this is what we really want, we would just be trading one tyrannic governement for another.

He goes on to state the powers that the government would have over the people and the states themselves. Brutus does say this "It has authority to make laws which will affect the lives, the liberty, and property of every man in the United States; nor can the constitution or laws of any state, in any way prevent or impede the full and complete execution of every power given" What i took from this is this governement has the power to take away your liberty and property of every man in the United States, and nothing can stop this from happening.

Overall, i really enjoyed reading this Federalist Paper #1, i didnt have to read it in High School so it was my first time reading it. I liked how Brutus understood right from the beginning that this was a big deal. That this was going to effect millions of people, and change the course of history. I got to the end i found of that he wanted to object this new government. He states a few of his reasons why "In a republic of such vast extent as the United-States, the legislature cannot attend to the various concerns and wants of its different parts" he also says "In so extensive a republic, the great officers of government would soon become above the controul of the people, and abuse their power to the purpose of aggrandizing themselves, and oppressing them." He is scared that if the 13 states only have 1 main government that the legislature wont be able to handle each problem accordingly. The second quote i like the best it really shows how bad they had it before. He is under the assumption that if you give a man power he will abuse their power and repress them again, like the king of England did.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Richard Allen

Richard Allen was a slave we found God at the age of 20, joined a Methodist church group. Thier master was a kind master, he believed that church made the slaves a better person. His master after hearing the word of God from the preacher found that it was wrong to keep slaves. He allowed Allen and his brother to buy their freedom.

Allen had a lot of different job after he left his master, including driving a wagon during the continental war. After the war he traveld around preaching the word of God, until 1784 when we became friends with Benjamin Abbot. He traveled around the Northeast meeting kind and nice people along the way. Allen and some other black preachers tried to start a black church, many other whtie preachers didnt take nicely to that.

In April 1816 the first African Methodist Episcopal church was formed.

I like his story alot. He starts in the begining as a slave finds God and it forever changes his path in life. If Allen wouldnt have found God, his master wouldnt have let him go and he would have been sold off after his death. Just like with the other story, its the Amercian dream. Richard Allen had very little in the begining and by the end he had preached in many towns of the North East and built the first African church in the north east.